
Irresistible bouquet of freshly cut pink flowers, featuring pink alstroemerias, pink gerbera daisies, pink carnations and a single pink rose.

Pink Pink Pink Bouquet


This stunning ensemble boasts the graceful presence of pink Alstroemerias, their slender petals cascading like whispers of elegance. Complementing their allure, pink Gerbera daisies take center stage, their vibrant hues reminiscent of a radiant summer sunset. Each bloom radiates warmth, inviting you to embrace their cheerful energy.

Interspersed among these floral gems are the enchanting pink carnations, symbolizing love and admiration. Their ruffled petals unfold like a symphony of femininity, adding a touch of sophistication to the bouquet. Nestled in their midst, a single pink rose stands as a symbol of grace and refinement, its velvety petals inviting you to lose yourself in its timeless beauty.

Be prepared to witness the joy and delight that this bouquet will undoubtedly bring to your recipients. Allow the allure of these pink wonders to evoke emotions, convey heartfelt messages, and create cherished memories.

We have our own delivery team. We provide flower delivery for local, interstate and international orders.

Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and color. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.