
Beautiful hand-tied bouquet of several white lilies with assorted, lush greenery.

White Lily Bouquet


A true masterpiece that will leave you breathless. Delight in the ethereal beauty of several majestic white lilies, gracefully arranged amidst a vibrant tapestry of lush, assorted greenery. Each blossom embodies purity and grace, while the accompanying foliage adds depth and enchantment to the ensemble. Carefully crafted by our skilled artisans, this stunning bouquet radiates elegance and sophistication, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you want to convey heartfelt emotions, celebrate a joyous moment, or simply indulge in nature's splendor, our bouquet is a timeless expression of beauty that will captivate hearts and ignite a sense of wonder. Elevate your gifting experience and embrace the enchantment of these delicate white lilies and verdant greens today.

We have our own delivery team. We provide flower delivery for local, interstate and international orders.

Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and color. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.