
Sensational bouquet of one dozen wrapped long stem yellow roses with added baby's breath, tied with a matching bow.

Yellow Rose Bouquet (12)


Elevate any occasion with this captivating arrangement featuring one dozen radiant, long stem yellow roses delicately wrapped. Each blossom exudes vibrant beauty, complemented by the delicate accents of baby's breath. The carefully crafted bouquet is tied together with an elegant matching bow, adding a touch of sophistication to the ensemble. Whether you want to convey love, appreciation, or celebrate a momentous milestone, the Sensational Bouquet is a perfect choice. Prepare to enchant your loved ones as they receive this breathtaking gift that captures the essence of joy and warmth.

We have our own delivery team. We provide flower delivery for local, interstate and international orders.

Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and color. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.