
Wrapped bouquet of twelve long lasting pink and red carnations with baby's breath and variegated pittisporum, tied with a red satin bow.

Pink And Red Bouquet


Exquisite wrapped bouquet of twelve stunning, long-lasting pink and red carnations adorned with delicate baby's breath and luscious variegated pittosporum. Every bloom has been meticulously hand-picked to ensure their vibrant colors and impeccable quality. Expertly arranged and elegantly presented, these blossoms will captivate the senses and convey your heartfelt emotions effortlessly. To add a touch of elegance, the bouquet is expertly tied with a luxurious red satin bow. Perfect for any occasion, this enchanting floral masterpiece will leave a lasting impression and bring joy to your loved ones.

All designs illustrated are a guide to the style of flowers that will be delivered. Flowers, containers and accessories may vary according to local and seasonal availability. In some cases, substitutions of equivalent value and quality may be necessary to fulfill your requirements.

In some cases, some flowers may be delivered in bud to provide longer enjoyment.