
Fragrant freshly-wrapped bouquet of stargazer lilies with pink carnations, purple statice and lush greenery. Everyday flowers suitable for all types of occasions.

Stargazer Lily Bouquet


A fragrant symphony of nature's finest creations beautifully intertwined in a freshly-wrapped bouquet. Delight your senses with the enchanting allure of stargazer lilies, their petals unfurling like celestial bodies, emanating a captivating aroma that fills the air. Adorned with delicate pink carnations, their soft hues adding a touch of grace and elegance, while purple statice adds a regal charm, igniting a sense of wonder.

As your eyes wander through this botanical marvel, the lush greenery weaves its way, adding texture and depth, symbolizing the vitality of life. Indulge yourself or surprise a loved one with this botanical symphony that transcends words. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special moment, it promises to leave a lasting impression.

All designs illustrated are a guide to the style of flowers that will be delivered. Flowers, containers and accessories may vary according to local and seasonal availability. In some cases, substitutions of equivalent value and quality may be necessary to fulfill your requirements.

In some cases, some flowers may be delivered in bud to provide longer enjoyment.